
Our reason for being

When The Market Monitor emerged as the newest kid on the newspaper block in 2014, it trudged through the financially uncertain highways and byways of journalism with its editors and supporters armed with nothing but the burning desire to help provide relevant information to its readers.

Despite increasing indications that the days of print journalism are numbered as a good number of venerable newspapers overseas had already folded up due to decreasing advertising revenues, we remain unfazed by the challenges brought about by the evolution of electronic media.

While the digital media may have already overshadowed traditional publication in First World countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom, the same cannot be said in the Philippines where the electronic media have yet to reach their optimum potential. This being the case, we in The Market Monitor feel that we stand a good chance of succeeding in the publication race.

And while there is surfeit of information circulating in the country 24/7, both in print and on radio and television, there is a dearth—a tragic absence, to be sure—of the kind of information that people need to improve their lot.

The Market Monitor looks to deviate from the usual fare carried by most local media outlets and which many people find uninteresting at all, by delivering stories that can inspire us to greater heights, make us better human beings and help us understand more what is happening in our country.

While it is fashionable for every publication to say it would strive to be the best, The Market Monitor will be happy and content with just being a good and reliable source of relevant, timely and useful information.

The Market Monitor’s editors will endeavor to simplify news stories—especially business stories that many readers often find complicated and difficult to understand. We will also try to provide insights into developing stories through backgrounds and an incisive look into their origins. It is not easy to do these things, we know, and we cannot always guarantee success. But our readers can rest assured we will never stop trying.