Revised tollway guidelines OK’d by DOTr, LTO, TRB

Motorists using toll expressways under the jurisdiction of the Tollways Regulatory Board (TRB) are advised of the effectivity of revised guidelines in the use of tollways under Joint Memorandum Circular (JMC) no. 2024-001 signed last 01 August 2024. A copy of the JMC has been submitted for registration at the University of the Philippines-Office of the National Administrative Register (UP-ONAR) on 08 August 2024. It was published in the Manila Bulletin on 16 August 2024.

One of the major purposes of JMC No. 2024-001 is to enforce the prohibitions/restrictions against motorists entering dedicated Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) lanes with “No Valid ETC Device”, and with “No Sufficient Load”. These motorists represent nine percent of motorists using toll expressways who unfortunately cause unnecessary delays and long queues at the toll plazas.

A vast majority of toll expressway users (91%) are often inconvenienced by the erring motorists.

With the revised tollway guidelines, corresponding fines and penalties for violation are contained in the JMC that intends to improve traffic flow at toll plazas, saving time, money and resources.

TRB will be issuing subsequent advisories on the JMC to detail other provisions, such as responsibilities of toll expressway concessionaires/operators, RFID service providers, tollway users, LTO, and the TRB.

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